Search Engine Optimization is the most powerful and affective natural practice to getting more and more traffic and search engine ranking on the internet for your website and business.
Ethical practice is essential to be a topper always that's why I suggest to be good ethical or can say white hat optimizer and become a true and valuable person at the SEO World .
Here I am trying to give some SEO TIPS to the biggeners of the SEO and you will find out very useful for you.
1.First Look On Search Engines
How many queries arrived in your mind about search engines?
1.What is search engine?
2.What search engines do on the internet?
3.How they perform searches?
4.What is the classifications of search engines?
5.How many types of searches a search engine perform?
There is the answer of all these queries and more than that.You can find all the information about search engines link below.
Search Engine Behavior
2.What should to and should not with a web site for SEO.
Here in this point i am trying to distinguished between White hat and Black hat seo practices which search engines dose like and does not likes.
Distinguish Ethical and Unethical SEO practices.